Eat that frog 🐸

Abaad Ullah
3 min readApr 17, 2021

By using the tomato?!

I am among the last, if not the last to turn down an opportunity to try something new, especially food but even thinking about this makes me want to puke.

We’ll be eating this frog. Not literally.

Don’t eat Kermit.

We’ll be eating this frog using the Pomodoro technique. First lets establish what the frog represents. The frog is a metaphor for the most important task that we might have on our to-do list. Its that one task that has the most significant impact on our life- at the current moment. That one task that we’ll procrastinate over, if we don't do anything about it.

On the other hand the Pomodoro technique. The symbol or logo is a Pomodoro(tomato), as it signifies the tomato shaped timer used by the founder of the technique: Francesco Cirillo.

Huge Task

The basis of this technique is; when faced with a large task or a series of tasks (the frog), break the work down into short intervals, and place strategic breaks between them. The human mind can only be at peek performance for short intervals, and this technique helps make the most of that time.

More specifically set a timer of 25 minutes, and for this time stay focused on being your most productive self, with no interruptions of any sort. Then take a break of 5 minutes, you can do whatever you want in these 5 minutes, but it is recommended to get up from the place you are seated in, and walk a little, maybe stretch. After that repeat the cycle and once you have become incorporated with the method you can take longer, 10 to 15 minute breaks between the 25 minute segments.

Peak performance level

I incorporated this technique recently in my daily life when doing an assignment of Economics. I had been away for a couple of days and came back on the night of the day the assignment was due. The assignment was quite lengthy, however by breaking it down into 25 minute segments the task becomes more achievable. As the once Everest size of work becomes the size of the hills of Cyprus.

Everest to Cyprus hills

I’ll make sure to implement this technique frequently as not only can it help in crunch time- when the assignment is due at midnight. But alternatively it can help complete the task a lot quicker hence resulting in precious leisure time.

P.S. The procrastination, blame it on the monkey :)



Abaad Ullah

Something's can’t be said so I’m writing them down