Make it real- Amal totkay

Abaad Ullah
4 min readApr 9, 2021


I am a hoarder of motivational content, rather that be quotes, poems, videos. Being a professional procrastinator myself I know the need some kind of way to push to get yourself moving. These totkay(not to be confused with Zubiada apa’s totkay) can be defined as a nudge that will help you get out of a slump and motivate you towards achieving your goals.

  1. Self talk- In recent times having being locked up in the house not going out in the world a lot of us have had to deal with mental health issues, where due to the elimination of day to day distractions certain feelings and emotions just poured out. A person who is positive minded they can easily talk them selves up and motivate them selves even in the most dire of situation where as a pessimistic person would talk themselves down and burn their bridges. Positive self talk results in releasing of endorphins and serotonin in the brain which improves a persons mood.

2. Get out of your comfort zone- This is the killer of dreams- when you get settled down in a comfort zone you stop working on your self, you stop going after much better opportunities then you are right now just because you will have to put in some effort. One of the ways I have been challenging my self lately is to speak my mind and actively participate in discussions rather that be in classes or Amal sessions, and the sessions especially are helping me in incorporate this more in my daily life. The road that you travel daily might take you to your destination on time however the other road might have a better view.

3. Create new habits- Habits are mere distractions from daily life they are not fruitful they just slow me down and keep me form working on what's important.

They are a way of bringing you back from the edge of insanity, physical habits such as swimming, trekking or 5k runs (eh maybe one day) are great in building endurance, releasing stress, provides relief to your lungs as you get away from the pollution of the city and breath fresh air. Moreover they lead to better cardio vascular function keeping your heart healthy. Incorporating other habits such as reading and writing broaden your horizon and improve your written communication.

4. Ask people for help- I admit the hardest thing to do, and to this day I still hesitate before asking someone for help. Its not that the fear of the other person refusing to help but the bruise to our ego, of having to admit that you need someone's help.

However once we realize that how important and beneficial it is, in not only personal but professional life, its life changing, we’ll all be more forthcoming. Just think of it like, its late night and you are on the side of the road with a flat tire would you get down your high horse and ask someone for help or spend the whole night there. So when you hit a wall, and can’t think of a solution its better to ask someone for help and get moving instead of staying there and contemplating on how you ended up in that situation.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

5. Fake it till you make it- Oh the irony, we are always told not lie to people and now we are here. This does not mean that you go around and act like you are the king of the world what this means is, that believe yourself even if you are not feeling confident enough, as it will help you push yourself. If you are afraid of crowds and cannot stand in a room full of crowd, push yourself, until you actually start to believe in your self. In its essence this concept is all about visualizing yourself into becoming something you are not. One of the biggest and effective examples is striking a power pose, after standing like that for a couple of seconds you start to feel more confident. Believe in it and it shall be real.

Yes I have implemented these in my life and will keeping doing so in the future as well, as these tips or totkay are a essential for self actualization and self motivation. They are the keys to the gateway leading to your better self. So don't stop and run towards becoming the better you.



Abaad Ullah

Something's can’t be said so I’m writing them down