Reflection time

Abaad Ullah
3 min readJun 4, 2021


Oh, Caesar must be proud.

From doing this fellowship just to pass time to dreading the time it’ll end is how I can sum up my whole experience.

It’s sometimes very difficult to give words to certain experiences as they can only ever be felt. But as this is a required assignment, I’ll try (emphasis on try as I have “a not so great memory” 😂).

So here goes…

It was the second week of the fellowship and I still didn’t feel like I was a part of anything, and out of nowhere, I get drafted into a squad (I wish it was THE SQUAD). I have always been someone who tries to stay away from the spotlight, in terms of taking part in group activities with peers outside of class, in this case, online sessions. I think it was this online scenario and not having interacted with people other than my classmates that I got involved with this group. And I'm oh so glad that I did.

Yo era el profesor

The plan was simple to come up with a theme for the prank we wanted to pull and after hours of blood sweat and a long list of orders from the supreme leader we came up with the strategy of our takeover.

Cue the Money heist theme.

We stayed connected even after we had accomplished what we had set ourselves to do, and it proved to be a very important part of this entire journey at Amal. The late talks and insights and love for music is what drove us all ever so closer to each other. We were close even from afar.

All of us are definitely taking the learnings and crucial feedback with us to improve ourselves but what I cherish the most from those experiences is meeting and having conversations with such amazing, headstrong, and resilient people who are still standing.

We have all had to battle our demons they have come in various forms and sizes but what we need to remember is that we don’t necessarily have to fight them alone. We all need people in our corner who can guide us and help us keep a check when we are dwindling and pull us back on track.

I appreciate each and every single one of you- members of Batch 190.

Each and every single one of you lot is an inspiration and a hero.

Oh and I’m not going to talk about APES because that’s for another time.

Sorry, not sorry. 😜

Gang Up!



Abaad Ullah

Something's can’t be said so I’m writing them down