
Abaad Ullah
2 min readJun 14, 2021

Out of the shadows

You are walking down a path with no destination in mind, and then you see a person on a bike heading down in the opposite direction with a happy grin across their face. You are amazed so, you turn around so that you might be able to see where they are headed but when you turn around they vanish.

These past couple of months at Amal Fellowship have been quite fruitful. I have gained skills and polished my pre-existing abilities, not only that it gave me a chance to interact with people from all across the country and some from places that I have never even heard of. In addition to that, I have made friends that make me feel at home when I am with them.

When we ruled 190

Joining this fellowship was once just that I came in with low expectations of what I could get from this experience. But I am glad to say that I was proven wrong. This fellowship helped me realize that if I choose to write, I can. Which provided me with a canvas over which I could paint whatever I felt.

It also helped fuel my passion and helped identify for being a helping hand to the less privileged of the society by establishing Khair Khwah that might never have happened if not for this tremendous opportunity.

And last but truly not least it helped me find my Apes.

B/W Night at Apes HQ
B/W Night at Apes HQ

Oh, and the guy on the bike that was me, and I am headed to my destination.



Abaad Ullah

Something's can’t be said so I’m writing them down