Urr Chala

Abaad Ullah
Jun 18, 2021


Taking Flight

Photo by Brian Yurasits on Unsplash

So its that time again. Ah farewells, don't we all just want to avoid them. And just slip out without ever really saying anything. But why see it as an end. Why no see it as an interval that we get in between movies and we go and get some snacks and come back.

So let us melt, and make no noise,
No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move;
‘Twere profanation of our joys
To tell the laity our love.

Moving of th’ earth brings harms and fears,
Men reckon what it did, and meant;
But trepidation of the spheres,
Though greater far, is innocent …

- John Donne



Abaad Ullah

Something's can’t be said so I’m writing them down